ปิดไลบรารี่ส่วนนี้	James (7)
ดูเอกสาร PDF	Title: Catholic Epistles
Bible Book: James; 1 John; 2 John; 3 John; Jude; 1 Peter; 2 Peter
Author: Calvin, John
Description: Verse by verse exegesis by the father of Reformed theology; also doctrinal and homiletical pointers.
Subject: Bible Commentaries|James
Type: Book Pages: 360 Filesize:

ดูเอกสาร PDF	Title: The Epistle of James, Practically Explained
Bible Book: James
Author: Neander, Augustus
Publisher: CCEL
Description: It was James' aim in his epistle to share the nature of true religion with his correspondents. Through his systematic commentary, Neander is able to help readers discover new meaning in the message of James' epistle.
Subject: Bible Commentaries|James
Type: Book Pages: 47 Filesize:

ดูเอกสาร PDF	Title: Introduction to James
Bible Book: James
Author: Berkhof, Louis
Publisher: CCEL
Description: Introduction to the Bible book, reviewing content, characteristics, authorship, composition, and canonical significance
Subject: Bible Commentaries|James
Type: Article Pages: 8 Filesize:

ดูเอกสาร PDF	Title: What faith should do
Bible Book: James
Author: Mackervoy, Ian
Publisher: www.easyenglish.info
Description: Bible commentary in Easy English, with a vocabulary of not more than 2800 words. Difficult words are explained. Ideal for people who don't have English as their mother tongue, and for people with a limited education.
Subject: Bible Commentaries|James
Type: Book Pages: 31 Filesize:

ดูเอกสาร PDF	Title: What should faith do?
Bible Book: James
Author: Hibbs, G.
Publisher: www.easyenglish.info
Description: Verse-by-verse questions that help to think about the meaning of the text and how to apply it to daily life. Only a 2800 word vocabulary is needed to understand this lesson, which makes it helpful for people with limited education or limited knowledge of English.
Subject: Bible Study|James
Type: Lesson Pages: 12 Filesize:

เปิดส่วนนี้ของไลบรารีและดูเนื้อหา	Chapter 5 (2)