ปิดไลบรารี่ส่วนนี้	Website (129)
ปิดไลบรารี่ส่วนนี้	Church History (3)
Link: A Resources Blog
Author: Swanson, Herb
Description: Blog posts about various aspects of the history of Christianity and missions in Thailand, written by the former historian for the CCT archives in Chiang Mai
Subject: Church History

Link: The Making of a Sodality in Northeastern Thailand
Author: DeNeui, Gretchen
Description: The Center for Church Planting and Church Growth in Northeast Thailand and the Issaan Development Foundation are two Thai sodalities working together in a joint effort in Northeast Thailand. How did these organizations develop? What are they doing now? What missiological principles do they employ? These are just a few of the questions we will be exploring in this paper.
Subject: Contextualization; Isaan; Church History
Year Published: 1993

Link: herbswanson.com
Author: Swanson, Herb
Description: The primary purpose of this website is to contribute to the study of Thai church history. Readers will also find material on northern Thai and Thai history, international church history, and other subjects related to the study of the past and the church's past and present in Thailand.
Subject: Church History
Year Published: 2011